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Turkey Retaliates After Ankara Terror Attack, Kills Several Militants In Airstrikes In Iraq, Syria


Five people were killed while over 20 were injured in a terror attack on Turkish Aerospace Industries headquarters on Wednesday.


Turecký útok poslední: Turecko útočí na cíle kurdských militantů v Iráku a Sýrii poté, co bylo pět lidí zabito při útoku v Ankaře


Five people have been killed in an apparent terror attack in Turkey at the headquarters of a defence and aerospace company. Turkey has blamed Kurdish militant group the PKK for the attack and has launched strikes on its sites in Syria and Iraq.


Several killed in Ankara 'terror attack' - as Turkey retaliates with Iraq and Syria strikes


Following today's attack in Ankara, Turkey's defence ministry said it conducted airstrikes in northern Iraq and northern Syria against PKK targets.