Gender identity is defined as a personal conception of oneself as male, female, both, or neither. In 2014, President Obama signed an executive order barring discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity among federal contractors. The order covered employers who perform federal work and protected an estimated 20 percent of American workers. Opponents included religious groups, who argued that the order would prevent them from receiving federal money or contracts if they could not meet the new guidelines because of their beliefs. Proponents argue that the order was nece…
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No, and replace specific anti-discrimination laws with one all-encompassing anti-discrimination law
depends on what you identify as
We should treat every human the same.
yes, because gender identity isn't the same as assigned sex at birth.
people need to stop being so offended by things
I'm trans, so knowing I'd have some protection is nice, but I'm worried about over policing.
There should only be two genders. Keep those two genders.
Yes, though private companies and businesses should have the right to enforce any rules or regulations within their place of work, regardless of how it might make someone feel. If the rules and regulations of the workplace do not make one feel comfortable, they can choose to not do business there. No matter our personal thoughts about transgender persons, we should still treat the individual with respect, and they should be protected by law, as an individual, having the same inherent rights as all other individuals.
Yes, though private companies and businesses should have the right to enforce any rules or regulations within their place of work, regardless of how it might make someone feel. No matter our personal thoughts about transgender persons, we should still treat the individual with respect, and they should be protected by law, as an individual, having the same inherent rights as all other individuals.
Yes, except in jobs where gender identity matters. For example, a gay man shouldn't see boys naked in non-medical environments. And if the behavior they choose, rather than simply the orientation they don't get to choose, interferes with their ability to perform all aspects of their job fully, then they can be discriminated against. For example, an openly and clearly gay man working as a server af a restraunt may make customers feel uncomfortable. In this case it is their behavior, not directly their orientation, that can be discriminated against. I think I should be discriminated against for my religion if I choose to say that my religion means I can proselyte freely to unwilling customers.
Yes, but there are only two genders which are genetically not psychologically determined. Extended gender is a social construct, but hat doesn’t mean we should discriminate against them.
No lol send them to a mental institution
Yes, but protections and preferential treatment should be given within reason, and allow private companies and businesses to enforce any rules within their place of work, regardless of how it might make someone feel.
Yes, but protections and preferential treatment should be given within reason, while allowing private companies and businesses to have the right to enforce any rules or regulations within their place of work, regardless of how it might make someone feel.
Yes, you can be whatever you want, there just needs to be boundaries on certain things that individual does.
Yes, but protections and preferential treatment should be given within reason, and allow private companies and businesses have to have the right to enforce any rules or regulations within their place of work, regardless of how it might make someone feel.
no becuase even if you do that does not stop people from saying hurtful things to transgenders or people who don't have a gender.
Slight No, because it could easily be manipulated.
No, but any kind of school or workplace sexual/ repeated harassment regarding identity is certainly just as important. Gender Identity is more of a slippery slope for some as it's easy to slip-up with pronouns for example. I think when we talk anti-discrimination, we have to be specific about what sort of discrimination or harassment is occurring that's *intentionally ignorant or harmful to a person.
No, and businesses should generally be able to operate however they please
Yes, but only for sexual and gender discrimination.
Only for federal standards.
yes they should, but it should only be boy or girl, non between or both...what gender you are when you first born.
Yes, but only have complete surgical transformation
Yes, but measures should be added to make sure no one is taken advantage of because of the act.
Yes, but it should only apply to cases where biological sex does not have an impact.
No, I support all genders, but people may abuse it.
I'd have to go with "Yes" here. I feel we need new language to describe this... technically, gender IS biologically decided. However, I feel strongly that a person should be free to live life as they want, and should not be arbitrarily discriminated against, whatever the grounds may be.
No, it should already be implied to not deny someone because of there gender.
Yes, but we should create additional gender categories outside of "male" and "female" to help clearly define what truly qualifies as gender discrimination--this would create more fairness for ALL genders.
Yes, as long as it is legitimate (transgender, non-binary)
Yes, but there is only two genders
Yes, but these individuals should be prevented from working with children at a grade school or preschool level, and we should also address gender identity as a mental health issue and provide funds for more research and care
Yes, but transgender individuals should be prevented from working with children at a grade school or preschool level, and we should also address gender identity as a mental health issue and provide funds for more research and care
Yes, but transgender individuals should avoid employment in occupations such as child care worker or grade school teacher to help prevent mental confusion among infants and young children during daily occupational interactions
Yes, but transgender individuals should avoid employment in occupations such as child care worker or grade school teacher to help prevent mental confusion among infants and young children while daily interacting
Yes, but transgender individuals should avoid employment in occupations such as child care worker or grade school teacher to help prevent mental confusion among infants and young children while daily interacting with them
Yes, but transgender individuals should avoid occupations that largely interact with infants and young children on a daily basis since they are too young to mentally grasp the concept of gender identity
Yes, but transgender individuals should avoid occupations that primarily interact with infants or younger children on a daily basis, since it may create mental anguish and anxiety among them over the concept of gender identity
the goverment should not have control over something like that
No, there is no way to know whether or not you have offended the persons personal identification, and as well it can be abused by bad actors, would be far better to implement gender neutral bathrooms and put protections in place for Trans discrimination, where there is a noticeable change to the person rather than an ideological position such as “I’m XYZ”, in laments terms, something measurable and fairly consistent (Usually) with their appearance.
No, there are only two genders which are genetically determined, but we should address gender identity as a mental health issue and provide funds for more research and care
No, enforce the general anti-discrimination laws that already exist and apply them to the inclusion of gender identity
No, just enforce the general anti-discrimination laws that already exist and apply them to the inclusion of gender identity
No, just enforce the general anti-discrimination laws that already exist
No, enforce the general anti-discrimination laws that already exist and apply them to include gender identity
Your one or the the other you got a 50/50
Yes though they might not turn out as what they were intended to do.
Yes, but also address gender identity as a mental health issue and provide funds for more research and care
No, apply and enforce the general anti-discrimination laws which currently exist but do not create an additional categorization
No, apply and enforce the general anti-discrimination laws that already exist but do not add an additional categorization.
No, follow general anti-discrimination rules and guidelines but gender identity does not need separate categorization
No, apply the general anti-discrimination laws that already exist but gender identity does not need a separate categorization
I don't understand this question very well.
No, apply gender identity to the general anti-discrimination rules of the company but do not characterize it as a separate classification
No, this should fall under the general anti-discrimination laws for private companies and does not need a separate categorization
No, this should fall under general anti-discrimination laws for private companies and not require a separate categorization
Yes, but it wouldn't stop discrimination.
It depends on the circumstance. Someone may not know what he/she/or they identify as. So should they be penalized for that? No. If the discrimination is purely intentional, then yes, they should be penalized.
No, enforce the anti-discrimination laws that already exist for both genetically determined genders. Address gender identity as a mental health issue and provide funds for more research and care.
No, just enforce the general anti-discrimination laws that already exist and apply them to the inclusion of gender identity. There does not need to be a separate addition to the laws
Yes, but also address gender identity as a mental health issue with more funds needed for research and care
Yes, but gender identity should also be addressed as a mental health issue, with funds provided for more research and care.
Yes, but broaden the term to "individual identity."
I want to say yes however I am fearful that people would abuse the system and use it to force their way into jobs.
No, "gender identity" is your choice. if you choose to change you deal with the consequences
If you were born as a man, then you are a man, if you were born as a woman than you are a woman.
Genders are decided biologically, by God. Not psychologically, LGBTQ people are still human, but they are in fact insane, and should have federally funded mental health programs for it.
No, there are two biological sexes and anyone could make an assumption that would offend them, though they should be recognized as the gender they choose.
No, because it encourages individuals to not be accepting of there gender. A person is not meant to choose gender.
you cant control what people think
Should be no discrimination between humans.
Gender Identity is a social aspects.
i feel that every one should be able to vote and run for president even the LGBTQ+ should be able to run for president.
i think you should be who ever you want.
no, because it's just a mantle problem called gender dysphoria
There Is Are Male, Female And Other Theres No Need For Fuss Over That
Yes, to the ones who have actually had a procedure done to make themselves a different gender. I dont agree with calling yourself an oppisite gender an have a genital opposite of what they claim to be.
I believe in God and I am mormon therefore I believe that you are either a boy or a girl but I also believe that people should be treated in a horrible way because of their interest or what they identify themselves as.
Yes, but repeal anti discrimination laws for private companies and there are genetically only two genders.
This doesnt matter to me im ok with what ever
Those who fall into this category should have the right to be treated fairly and not mistreated because of their choices as long they are not committing a crime. They must also have limitations based on their biological gender as certain interactions could cause serious conflicts. i.e restroom choices.
No, we should address gender identity as a mental health issue, and as such, it should be covered by the Americans With Disabilities Act, which protects from discrimination for mental illnesses.
Yes, there are only two genders, but if someone chooses to identify as something else, they should be protected under anti-discrimination laws
Individuals identifying as different genders does not affect me in any way, shape, or form.
No, but we should work to protect these minorities elsewhere
I personally believe there are only two genders, and that if one wants to be the other, that's okay, but not something outrageous that makes no sense. We should not discriminate, but tread carefully so it doesn't spiral out of control.
No, we already have anti-discrimination laws based on sex.