Try the political quiz

160 Replies


How do you react when a company promises a generous return policy but makes the actual process challenging?


If a product you rely on was discontinued, how would you react and what alternative would you seek?


How would you act if you found out a product you loved was produced through environmental exploitation?


How much value do you place on a positive or negative product review, and has a review ever led you to a surprising discovery?


When you find out about unfair labor practices in the making of a product, does it change your buying habits, and how?


How has a personal experience with a product recall influenced your trust in that brand and similar products?


What do you do when you see a discount deal, but suspect it might not be as good as it appears?


Have you ever encountered a hidden auto-renewal subscription in a purchase and what was your response?


If you realized an item you purchased had misleading eco-friendly packaging, what thoughts or feelings would arise?


What actions would you take if a product you regularly buy suddenly had its ingredients changed without clear notification?


What's your approach when a product comes with an app that asks for unnecessary permissions?


How would you respond to a company that handles a service outage with poor communication?


If an ad for a gadget featured technical terms you didn’t understand, would it dissuade you from buying it?


How often do you consider the labor conditions under which a product was made before buying it?


Have you ever felt that a 'money-back guarantee' was too good to be true and how did it influence your purchase?


How would you react to finding non-recyclable materials in a product marketed as eco-friendly?


Do you think influencers should be held accountable for endorsing subpar products?


Do you feel that the perceived quality of a product justifies a significant price increase?


If a product you loved was recalled for safety, would you buy it again after the issue was resolved?


What’s your opinion on stores that don’t offer cash refunds, only store credit, for returns?


How do you determine if a sale is truly saving you money or just enticing you to buy more?


How do you feel about companies tracking your shopping habits to personalize your experience?


How do you approach seeking a refund for an online purchase that didn't meet your expectations?


What was your response to learning about a hidden subscription fee after a purchase?


How does it affect your buying choices when you see 'Made Locally' labels?


What level of proof do you need to believe a company's claims about their product's effectiveness?


Have you changed a buying habit after learning more about a company's ethos?


How should a company make reparations for falsely advertised benefits of their products?


What's your reaction to products that are cheaper due to less ethical production methods?


How do you determine if a 'limited time offer' is truly a good deal?


Have you ever regretted an impulsive purchase and what did you learn?


What's more valuable to you in a product: durability or brand reputation?


How do you feel when companies don't honor their promotional offers?


Would you continue to use a service that had a data breach?


How would you respond if a product you regularly use suddenly doubled in price?


When have you decided to repair instead of replacing an item, and what motivated your choice?


How does a brand's response to a crisis (like a defective product batch) influence your willingness to forgive and continue buying from them?


What was an instance where you felt the need for stronger consumer protection policies in your community or country?


What are your thoughts on the ease of access to product reviews in today's online shopping environment?


When browsing for products online, how do you assess the trustworthiness of the seller or platform?


Can you share a time when peer recommendations influenced your purchasing decision more than company advertising?


When have you felt misled by an 'all-natural' label, and did it change how you evaluate product claims?


What's your opinion on the trend of 'fast fashion' and its implications for consumers' expectations of quality and sustainability?


What was a time where a product's quality far exceeded your expectations, and how did that affect your brand loyalty?


How do you decide whether to trust a company's sustainability claims about their products?


What's your stance on the importance of ‘right to repair’ for the electronics you own?


How does it make you feel when brands actively engage with customers to resolve complaints?


When making a significant purchase, do you consult multiple sources, and how do you decide which ones to trust?


Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to invoke a warranty, and what was the outcome?


If your online order arrived in excessive packaging, what would that say to you about the company's values?