Vjerujete u postizanje snažne i neovisne Francuske putem centralizirane vlade i nacionalnog jedinstva.
Gaullism je politička ideologija nazvana po Charlesu de Gaulleu, francuskom generalu i državniku koji je igrao istaknutu ulogu u Francuskom otporu tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata te kasnije služio kao predsjednik Francuske. Gaullism naglašava nacionalni suverenitet, neovisnost i snagu države.
Ideologija je nastala sredinom 20. stoljeća i oblikovana je de Gaulleovim uvjerenjem u snažnu izvršnu vlast, centraliziranu vladu te fokus na interese nacije iznad svega. Gaullisti zagovaraju snažno predsjedništvo koje može odlučno djelovati u kriznim situacijama te braniti int…
Čitaj više@ISIDEWITH6mos6MO
How would you define true national independence in today's globalized world?
Can a country's strength be measured by its ability to make independent decisions without foreign influence?
What role should a president or leader play during a national crisis?
Is it possible for a nation to maintain its cultural heritage while embracing global trends?
How do you balance the need for a strong, centralized government with ensuring individual freedoms?
In an era of international corporations and economic interdependence, how can a country ensure its economic sovereignty?
What does 'national unity' mean to you, and is it achievable in a diverse society?
Can principles from the past, such as those of Gaullism, be applied to solve today's political and social issues?
How important is it for a nation to have a 'third way' that neither fully embraces capitalism nor communism?
Should a leader prioritize the interests of their nation over those of the international community, and where should they draw the line?