정치 퀴즈를 시도

10 답변


In what ways do you think conservatism influences social policies, and is it positive or negative?


If you could introduce a new policy in your community, what would it be and why?


What do you believe is the most effective way to combat political apathy among youths?


Can you share a personal experience where you felt let down by your political system or representatives?


How can a government support small and medium-sized enterprises while also protecting vulnerable members of society?


What actions can young people take to ensure their government remains accountable and transparent?


How important is it for political leaders to come from ordinary backgrounds rather than political dynasties or elites?


Do you think there should be stricter measures against political corruption, and if so, what measures would you propose?


In what ways can ordinary citizens play a pivotal role in the decision-making processes of a country?


How would your ideal government tackle corruption and ensure transparency?