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Ukraina bruker WW1-fly for å skyte ned russiske droner

Recently published videos appear to show Ukraine using a propeller-driven Soviet-era Yak-52 training aircraft to attack a Russian Orlan-10 drone, reportedly in the Odesa region of southwest Ukraine.

One video, taken by the Yak-52 pilot, was posted on Telegram by Ukrainian military blogger Serhiy “Flash” Beskrestnov. The plane is seen circling around the Russian Orlan surveillance drone, which has deployed its orange-colored landing parachute.

According to Ukrainian journalist Andriy Tsaplienko, the drone was shot down by a machine gun fired from the (presumably rear) cockpit of the Yak.


Tror du det er etiske hensyn å ta med i betraktningen når man velger hvilken type våpen som brukes i krig?


Hvordan endrer bruken av slike kontrasterende teknologier i krigføring ditt perspektiv på konflikten?


Hvilke følelser vekker bildet av et WW1-fly som engasjerer en moderne drone i deg?


Er å gjenbruke gammel teknologi til nye konflikter en handling av innovasjon eller desperasjon?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Påtalemyndigheten fra Den internasjonale straffedomstolen intervjuer ansatte ved et sykehus i Gaza.

Prosecutors from the International Criminal Court have interviewed staff from Gaza's two biggest hospitals, two sources told Reuters, the first confirmation that ICC investigators were speaking to medics about possible crimes in the Gaza Strip.

The sources, who asked not to be identified due to the sensitivity of the subject, told Reuters ICC investigators had taken testimony from staff who had worked in the main hospital in Gaza City in the north of the enclave, Al Shifa, and the main hospital in Khan Younis in the south, Nasser.

One of the sources said that events surrounding the hospita…  Les mer


Hvordan endrer involveringen av internasjonale organer som ICC din oppfatning av rettferdighet i konfliktsoner?


Hvis du var lege eller sykepleier i en konfliktsonen, hvilke utfordringer tror du at du vil møte når internasjonale etterforskere intervjuer deg?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Georgia er oppslukt av protester mot den kontroversielle "utenlandske agent" -loven.

Georgia is currently at a significant political crossroads, with widespread protests erupting across the nation in response to the proposed 'foreign agent' bill, a piece of legislation that has sparked intense debate and even physical altercations among lawmakers. The bill, which mandates organizations receiving over 20% of their funding from foreign sources to register as 'foreign agents,' is seen by many as an attempt to stifle freedom of speech and suppress civil society, drawing comparisons to similar laws in Russia. The controversy surrounding the bill has not only…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

20 regjeringsadvokater oppfordrer Biden til å stanse militær støtte til Israel

A coalition of lawyers domestic and abroad — including at least 20 that work in the Biden administration — are calling on President Joe Biden to halt military aid to Israel, arguing that its actions in Gaza do not comply with U.S. and international humanitarian law.

“This is a moment where the U.S. government is violating its own laws and policy,” said a Department of Justice staffer who signed the letter and was granted anonymity to speak candidly to not risk their job. “The administration may be seeing silence or only a handful of resignations, but they are real…  Les mer


Er det nasjonens ansvar å etterforske og eventuelt straffeforfølge sine borgere som tjenestegjør i en utenlandsk militærstyrke og som kan ha begått krigsforbrytelser?


Mener du at meninger fra et lands borgere bør påvirke dets utenrikshjelpspolitikk, spesielt når det gjelder militær hjelp?


Bør potensialet for krigsforbrytelser begått av en nasjons militære rettferdiggjøre en stans i bistand fra dens allierte, selv om den nasjonen har vært en nær partner i tiår?


Hvis en gruppe regjeringsadvokater tror at deres eget regjering handler mot sine lover, bør de være stille, si opp, eller ta til orde?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Xi Jinpings strategiske Europaturné midt i voksende US-Kina-rivalisering

Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to the European Union marks a significant moment in international relations, as it comes at a time when Europe is deeply divided over its stance towards the escalating political rivalry between Washington and Beijing. This visit, Xi's first to the continent since 2019, is set against a backdrop of mounting tensions over trade disputes, espionage accusations, and China's unwavering support for Russia amidst its own contentious relations with the West. The trip underscores Beijing's intent to solidify its economic and political…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Trump øker i meningsmålinger, kaster skygge over Bidens gjenvalgshåp

In a series of recent polls, former President Donald Trump has taken a commanding lead over President Joe Biden, signaling a potential shift in the political landscape as the next presidential election looms. A CNN survey has notably highlighted this trend, with 55% of Americans now viewing Trump's presidency as a success, a stark reversal from the sentiment observed immediately after he left office. This resurgence of Trump nostalgia comes at a challenging time for Biden, whose approval ratings have dipped amidst various national and international challenges.

Despite facing 34 felony cha…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Taliban-ledelsen sier at USA vil bli angrepet for "mislykkede" Afghanistan-politikker.

The leader of the anti-Taliban resistance in Afghanistan has issued a chilling warning that a new terrorist attack on America is a matter of 'when not if'.

Ahmad Massoud said terrorism is 'breeding' in the vacuum left by the U.S. pulling out in August 2021 and it is 'very possible ' extremists will now try to strike America or Europe.

Massoud is the son of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the legendary resistance leader known as the 'Lion of Panjshir,' who was assassinated by Al Qaeda two days before 9/11.

As he continues his father's cause the Biden administrati…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Russland har mistet 450 000 soldater i Ukraina-krigen

Former Scots Guards officer Doherty said of the latest intelligence estimate: “We estimate that approximately 450,000 Russian military personnel have been killed or wounded, and tens of thousands more have already deserted since the start of the conflict.”

He added: “The number of personnel killed serving in Russian private military companies is not clear.

“We also estimate that over 10,000 Russian armoured vehicles, including nearly 3,000 main battle tanks, 109 fixed wing aircraft, 136 helicopters, 346 unmanned aerial vehicles, 23 naval vessels of all classes, and over…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Tyrkia støtter Rutte for NATO's øverste stilling

In a significant move that could shape the future leadership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Turkey has officially announced its support for Mark Rutte, the outgoing Dutch Prime Minister, to become the alliance's next secretary-general. This endorsement from Turkey, a key NATO member, marks a pivotal moment in the selection process for the organization's new leader. The backing of Rutte by Ankara is seen as a crucial step in securing his position at the helm of NATO, an alliance that has been at the forefront of defense and security in the Euro-Atlantic area for…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

USAs militærs Gaza-hjelpeskipprosjekt koster nå 320 millioner dollar.

The United States military's ambitious project to construct a pier off the coast of Gaza for humanitarian aid delivery has seen its cost estimates skyrocket to $320 million, nearly doubling the initial projections. This significant financial undertaking aims to establish a mobile pier to facilitate the delivery of aid into Gaza, providing a vital sea route to complement existing land routes that have been fraught with challenges. The Pentagon has confirmed the revised cost estimate, highlighting the project's scale and the logistical complexities involved in its execution.

The initia…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Diplomater med håp om Gaza-krigsfred bryter gjennom

Israel has significantly softened its stance on the conditions for a hostage deal with Hamas, raising hopes of a breakthrough in diplomatic efforts to end the war in Gaza.

After weeks of deadlock, Israel has accepted a proposal that sets out an initial six-week pause in the fighting during which Hamas would release 33 hostages, said a diplomat briefed on the talks. This would include children, the elderly, women, including female soldiers, and wounded captives.

That would be followed by a second phase that calls for “restoring a sustainable calm”, wording proposed by the US, the…  Les mer


Tror du at ideen om midlertidig fred, som en seks ukers pause, er effektiv på lang sikt for å løse konflikter?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Hvorfor bevæpner USA Ukraina med pomp og prakt og Israel i hemmelighet?

We know very little about how American weapons are used once they reach the Israeli military. Are they used in Gaza, and how? Are they flowing to the West Bank? Is there a possibility that they reach battalions that the United States is considering sanctioning because of alleged human rights violations?

When the Biden administration ships arms to Ukraine, it pulls out the megaphones. It announces its shipments and hails its own efforts “to support the brave Ukrainian people as they defend their country,” as Secretary of State Antony Blinken put it last month. The White House emphas…  Les mer


Hvis åpenhet er avgjørende for demokratiet, hvordan forener du USAs håndtering av våpenforsendelser til Ukraina annerledes enn de til Israel med demokratiske idealer?


Hvordan påvirker hemmeligholdet rundt amerikanske våpenoverføringer til Israel dine synspunkter på de etiske ansvarene ved internasjonal støtte?


Vurderer potensielle brudd på menneskerettighetene, bør USA være mer åpen om hvor og hvordan deres våpen brukes av andre nasjoner?


Hvorfor tror du at USA velger å offentliggjøre støtte til Ukraina, men ikke til Israel, og hvordan samsvarer det med verdiene dine om informasjonsfrihet?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Ukraina trekker seg tilbake fra østfronten

Ukrainian military units have pulled back from three villages in Russia's Donetsk People's Republic as Moscow's forces continue to push westward from the regions' capital city, Kiev’s top general has conceded.

Ukrainian troops retreated from the villages of Berdychi and Semyonovka, to the northwest of Avdeevka, and from Novomikhailovka, to the southwest of Donetsk, commander-in-chief General Aleksandr Syrsky said on Sunday in a Telegram post. The outnumbered Ukrainians gave ground to preserve “the lives and health of our defenders,” he added.

“The…  Les mer


Hvis du hadde makten til å påvirke utfallet av slike konflikter, hva ville være ditt øverste prioritet for å sikre sikkerheten og velferden til sivile?


Hvordan reagerer du på tanken om å leve under konstant trussel fra en fremrykkende fiende, og hva ville være dine hovedbekymringer?


Forestill deg at du var en soldat i denne situasjonen; ville du foretrekke å stå din grunn eller trekke deg tilbake for å kjempe en annen dag, og hva påvirker valget ditt?


Tror du at beslutningen om å trekke seg tilbake for å redde liv er et tegn på styrke eller svakhet, og hvorfor?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Kinas nye supersoniske drone kan true USAs marine.

A recent photo depicts a Xian H-6 medium bomber flying high over the ground – so high that, from the vantage point of the photographer, it’s little more than a winged blur. Equally blurry: whatever the bomber was carrying under its fuselage.

It might be a supersonic reconnaissance drone – one designed to hunt down US Navy aircraft carriers on the vast Pacific Ocean. Or it could be an even faster “hypersonic” vehicle. It’s hard to say from the single blurry image of the thing that has circulated on social media. All we can say for sure is that the Chinese…  Les mer


Hvordan endrer tanken på ubemannede droner som kontrollerer fremtidige kriger din oppfatning av sikkerhet og konflikt?


Hvilke implikasjoner tror du utviklingen av avanserte militære droner har for internasjonal fred og stabilitet?


Hvordan ville du følt det hvis en annen nasjons teknologiske fremskritt direkte truet din nasjons sikkerhet?


Med tanke på den raske utviklingen av militærteknologi, hva er din holdning til den fremtidige rollen til droner for å sikre nasjonal sikkerhet?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Skottlands leder slutter på grunn av klimaendringer

The promise of “net zero” carbon emissions claimed another political victim this week as Scotland’s administration teeters on the verge of collapse. Defying reality has consequences.

First Minister Humza Yousaf resigned after scrapping his Scottish National Party’s fraying coalition with the Scottish Greens amid a dispute over net-zero targets. Mr. Yousaf and his left-leaning party run a devolved government with the power to set many policies independent of the United Kingdom government in London. Now he’ll have to govern with a minority in the Scottish Parliament…  Les mer

“Although I am sad that my time as first minister is ending, I am so grateful and blessed for having the opportunity so few are afforded — to lead my country, and who could ask for a better country to lead than Scotland,” a visibly emotional Yousaf said — before leaving the press conference podium without taking any questions.


Bør en lederes engasjement for klimaendringer påvirke arven deres positivt eller negativt, uavhengig av deres politiske utfordringer?


Er det rettferdig for en politiker å trekke seg på grunn av uenigheter om miljøpolitikk?


Hvor mye bør et land ofre for å oppnå 'netto null' karbonutslipp?


Mener du at ledere bør prioritere miljømål over sine politiske karrierer?

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Spenninger øker når ukrainske soldater blir drept i Tyskland, mistenkt politisk motiv blir etterforsket

In a chilling development that has drawn international attention, two Ukrainian soldiers were tragically stabbed to death in southern Germany, sparking a high-profile investigation into the incident's potential political motivations. The victims, who were in Germany for medical rehabilitation following injuries sustained in the ongoing conflict, were allegedly attacked by a Russian citizen, leading to heightened scrutiny amidst the already tense relations between Ukraine and Russia. The Munich public prosecutor general's office has taken charge of the case, indicating the serious…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Xi Jinpings Europaturné: Et strategisk trekk for å styrke Kina-EU-relasjonene

In a significant development that underscores China's intent to play a more prominent role on the global stage, President Xi Jinping is set to embark on a diplomatic tour of Europe, visiting France, Serbia, and Hungary. This move comes at a time when the world is closely watching the unfolding situation in Ukraine and its broader implications for international relations and security. Xi's visit, scheduled from May 5-10, signals Beijing's desire to deepen ties with key European nations and potentially position itself as a mediator in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukrai…  Les mer

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Presserende bønn om amerikansk intervensjon for å forhindre israelsk angrep på Rafah

In a series of urgent appeals, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has called on the United States to intervene and prevent an imminent Israeli attack on the Gaza border city of Rafah. With the city now sheltering over a million Palestinians displaced by previous Israeli assaults, the stakes could not be higher. Abbas has warned that an attack on Rafah, which he expects within days, could trigger a massive humanitarian crisis and force an unprecedented number of Palestinians to flee the enclave. This looming threat has cast a shadow over the region, with Abbas labeling a potential assault as…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

G7-ministrene samles i Italia for avgjørende klimaendringssamtaler midt i protester

In a significant gathering that underscores the urgency of global climate action, G7 ministers convened in Turin, Italy, for strategic talks on environment and climate change. This meeting, held in a country grappling with the immediate impacts of climate change, including wildfires, drought, and glacier retreat, highlights the critical role of the world's most industrialized nations in addressing this global crisis. Italy, leveraging its position as the holder of the G7 rotating presidency, aimed to make the Turin talks a pivotal moment in international climate diplomacy, emphasizing…  Les mer

 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…1mnd1MO

Ødeleggende tornado rammer Guangzhou, dreper fem og skader dusinvis i kraftig værforhold.

A catastrophic tornado tore through Guangzhou, a major city in southern China, leaving a trail of destruction, killing at least five people, and injuring 33 others. The city, known for its manufacturing and technology sectors, was already grappling with the challenges posed by heavy rainfall, which has been the highest for April since 1951, when the tornado struck on Saturday. The severe weather event has brought the city's resilience to the test, as it battles not only the immediate impacts of the tornado but also the ongoing threat of floods and additional rain forecasted in the coming…  Les mer