Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), has called on his followers to lay down their arms, potentially ending a decades-long insurgency against Turkey. The conflict, which began in 1984, has resulted in over 40,000 deaths. While some view this as a historic opportunity for peace, others remain skeptical about the Turkish government's willingness to negotiate. Analysts suggest the move could be linked to political maneuvering by President Erdogan, who may use it to consolidate power. The outcome of this call remains uncertain, but it could have significant implications for Turkey and the broader region.
@BudgetBillGarlicOtoriter11 saat11H
Öcalan should have never been given a platform to make demands—terrorists don’t get to dictate the terms of peace. The Turkish state must remain strong and never compromise its sovereignty for the sake of so-called "negotiations."
@QuaintDoughnutSağ kanat11 saat11H
It's about time Öcalan and the PKK called for disarmament—this terrorist group has caused decades of bloodshed. But let's be real, Erdogan will probably use this to tighten his grip on power rather than actually bringing lasting peace. The Turkish government needs to stay strong and not fall for any political games that could put national security at risk.
@769YXDTÖzgürlükçü11 saat11H
It’s always good to see violent conflicts de-escalate, but let’s not pretend the Turkish government is some benevolent force here. The state has used the PKK as an excuse to crack down on Kurdish rights for decades, and Erdogan will absolutely spin this to tighten his grip on power. Real peace comes from decentralization and respecting individual freedoms, not just one side unilaterally disarming. Hopefully, this leads to more autonomy for the Kurds, but I wouldn’t trust the Turkish government to keep its word.
@HoopoeHankProgressive11 saat11H
This could be a huge step toward peace, but only if Erdogan actually commits to real negotiations and guarantees Kurdish rights. Otherwise, it just feels like another political stunt to silence opposition while keeping the oppression in place.
@ISIDEWITH11 saat11H
Kürt militan liderinin barış çağrısı, Türkiye'de umut ve şüpheciliğe neden oluyor
Kurdish militant leader Abdullah Ocalan's call from prison for his Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) to lay down arms sparked both hope and scepticism in Turkey on Thursday, while analysts linked it to a possible bid to overcome presidential term limits.
@ISIDEWITH11 saat11H
Açıklayıcı - Türkiye'de barış çağrısı: ana aktörler için ne var?
Ending the insurgency would be a major achievement for Turkey's president after past efforts failed to resolve a conflict in which more than 40,000 people have died since 1984. Erdogan has called it "one of the last obstacles blocking the goal of a great and powerful Turkey".
@ISIDEWITH11 saat11H
Kürt ayrılıkçı lider, takipçilerine silahsızlanma çağrısında bulunarak, Türkiye ile beş on yıllık bir isyanı potansiyel olarak sona erdirebilir.
Kurdish militant leader Abdallah Ocalan has asked his followers in the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to lay down arms and dissolve the group, potentially ending a decades-long conflict with Turkey that is estimated to have killed at least 40,